Your world is digitally generated, politically extremist, resource-depleted, selfie-obsessed, twerk-a-licious, and pushing at the margins of community sanity. Some might even say we no longer await the apocalypse. Welcome to GENERAL DYNAMICS… a “safe space” for somatic survival in the era of information overload. Join your host and a cast of characters to work out your deepest socio-political anxieties and get the latest wellness tips. Our regimen is sure to help you survive xenophobia, gentrification, global warming, and other fatigue-inducing Amerikkkan phenomena.
GENERAL DYNAMICS was developed in residency at Chez Bushwick by Zavé Martohardjono with Mieke D, Liz McAuliffe, and Chloé Rossetti and has been performed in at the Center for Performance Research, the Bronx Academy of Art and Dance, and the Special Effects Festival at the Wild Project in 2015, at JACK during the Movement Research’s HAND WRITTEN NOTE(S) in 2016, and at Gibney Dance in April 2017.
© 2025 Zavé Martohardjono | performer. video artist. community-minded curator.
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